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Tracy Thomas is a law professor and public scholar, nationally recognized for her work on gender, law, and women’s legal history.  She is the Director of the Center for Constitutional Law at the University of Akron.  Her work on civil rights remedies has been cited by numerous courts including the US Court of Appeals for the Second and DC Circuits, federal district courts of California, Florida, and Nebraska, and state supreme courts in Oregon, Washington, Georgia and Vermont. Previously, she was a lawyer at Covington & Burling in Washington, DC, and a judicial clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Los Angeles.

Thomas is the author of two books, with two more in process. Her book First Woman Judge: Florence Allen and the Transformation of US Courts will be published by the University of California Press.

Professor Tracy Thomas
“Excellent new book. . . .
eminently readable yet deeply substantive”

Paula A. Monop

Professor of Law

Director, Women, Leadership & Equality Program

University of Maryland

“Superb interdisciplinary
collection . . . . [with an] illuminating introduction”

Amy Dru Stanley

Professor of History

University of Chicago

Feminist Legal History book
Elizabeth Cady Stanton book

Copyright 2023 Tracy A. Thomas

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