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Women's Suffrage envoys from many states brought petitions to Congress. Five thousand wome
Northern District of Ohio book
19th Amendment book
Oxford Feminism and Law book
Ruth Bader Ginsburg book
Women and the Law book

Book Chapters


The Long History of Feminist Legal Theory in The Oxford Handbook of Feminism and Law in the United States

(Deborah Brake, Martha Chamallas & Verna Williams eds. Oxford Press 2021)


Justice Ginsburg’s Restrained Theory of Remedial Equity in The Jurisprudential Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

(Ann Bartow & Ryan Vacca eds. NYU Press 2023)


Foreword, Women and the Law (Thomson Reuters 2011-20 annual eds.)


After Suffrage Comes Equal Rights? ERA as the Next Logical Step (with Tracey Jean Boisseau),

in 100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment: An Appraisal of Women's Political Activism

(Holly J. McCammon & Lee Ann Banaszak eds. Oxford Press 2018)


The Struggle for Gender Equality in the Northern District

in Justice and Legal Change on The Shores of Lake Erie: A History of The Northern District of Ohio

(Paul Finkelman & Roberta Alexander eds. Ohio U. Press 2012)


Sex v. Race, Again in Who Should be First: Feminists Speak Out on the 2008 Presidential Campaign  

(Beverly Guy-Sheftall & Johnetta Betsch Cole eds. SUNY Press 2010)




Protecting Abortion with State Health Care Freedom of Choice, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (2023)

Reclaiming the Long History of the "Irrelevant" Nineteenth Amendment, 105 Minnesota Law Review 2623 (2021)

The Jurisprudence of the First Woman Judge, Florence Allen: Challenging the Myth of Women Judging Differently,

27 William & May Journal of Race, Gender & Social Justice 293 (2021)

More Than the Vote: The Nineteenth Amendment as Proxy for Gender Equality,

15 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 349 (2020)

Leveling Down Gender Equality, 42 Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 177 (2019) 

Noted a “must-read,” one of the “best works of recent scholarship,” JOTWELL (Nov. 2019)

Reconsidering the Remedy of Gender Quotas, Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Online (Nov. 2016)

Back to the Future of Regulating Abortion in the First Term, 29 Wisconsin Journal of Gender, Law & Society 47 (2014)

Misappropriating Women's History in the Law and Politics of Abortion, 36 Seattle Law Review 1 (2012)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the Federal Marriage Amendment: A Letter to the President,

22 Constitutional Commentary 137 (2005)



From Nineteenth Amendment to ERA: Constitutional Amendments for Women's Equality,

American Bar Association Insights (Jan. 20, 2020)

Book Review, Strange Bedfellows: Marriage in the Age of Women’s Liberation, 106 Journal of Legal History 1139 (2020)

Book Review, Barbara Babcock's, Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz,  99 Journal of American History 319 (2012)

Book Review, Sharon Hatfield's, Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell, 24 Law & History Review 695 (2006)

Book Review, The Beecher Sisters as Nineteenth-Century Feminist Icons of the Sameness Difference Debate,

reviewing Barbara A. White, The Beecher Sisters (Yale U. Press 2003), 11 Cardozo Women’s Law Journal 107 (2004)


Gender and the Law Blog

Thomas's Gender and the Law Blog posts may be found here

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